Politecnico di Milano - polimi
Since 1863, Italy's largest science-technology university, between scientific rigor and creativity. Discover the Politecnico
Programmes - polimi - Politecnico di Milano
The PhD is the highest level required by our university system. The doctoral program typically lasts 3 to 4 years. It also includes disciplinary courses, where PhD students delve into cutting …
Prospective students - polimi
The main stages of university life, from enrolment to graduation. Find more Towards the world of careers Build your future by exploring the professional opportunities that Politecnico di Milano …
Application - polimi - Politecnico di Milano
Before starting your application, please verify that your GPA fulfils our minimum GPA requirements and whether your university qualification is eligible to apply for our Master of …
Politecnico di Milano - polimi
Politecnico di Milano, dal 1863, il più grande ateneo scientifico-tecnologico italiano, tra rigore scientifico e creatività
About Polimi - polimi - Politecnico di Milano
Politecnico di Milano is a public scientific-technological university which trains engineers, architects and industrial designers.
Specializing Masters and Postgraduate programmes - polimi
Specialising Masters and Post Graduate Programmes. According to target students and main objectives, Politecnico di Milano offers several post-graduate programmes differently …
Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) - polimi
Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano | P.IVA 04376620151 - C.F. 80057930150
Research Doctorate (Ph.D.) - polimi - Politecnico di Milano
The Research Doctorate (Ph.D.) constitutes the highest level of education in the university system. Its goal is to prepare researchers who have the skills and aptitude to pursue activities …
Programmes - polimi - Politecnico di Milano
After completing the first cycle, students can enter the second cycle of university studies: “Laurea Magistrale” programmes (equivalent to Master of Science), or first level Specializing Masters. …