欧洲领先的储蓄平台Trade Republic已将其服务扩展至意大利,提供免费的活期账户和本地IBAN。这家总部位于柏林的金融科技公司拥有超过800万客户,管理资产超过1,000亿欧元,现在通过引入首个国际金融科技自动税收扣除系统(称为Regime ...
2025年1月31日,互动媒体与服务公司The Trade Desk(TTD)成交额为3.70亿美元,在当日美股中排第294名,成交额较昨日减少3.95%,当日成交量为309.99万。 The Trade Desk(TTD)于2025年1月31日跌0.22%,报118.68美元,该股过去5个交易日跌1.07%,整个1月涨0.98%,年初至今涨0.98%,过去52周涨76.58%。 *如果公司上市时 ...
PANews 1月31日消息,Greeks.live宏观研究员Adam发文称,1月31日期权交割数据显示,8万张BTC期权到期,Put Call Ratio为0.68,最大痛点98000美元,名义价值83.8亿美元。
Maud Lau, managing director of KAWA SHIPPING, the operator of the route, explained the rationale behind the new service.
Colombia has offered to pay for the "dignified" deportation of its citizens from the United States, the foreign ministry said Friday, a week after a public spat between presidents Gustavo Petro and ...
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)星期一(1月27日)在与印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)的电话中,强调了印度增加对美国制造安全设备的采购、以及双边迈向公平贸易关系的重要性。此外,莫迪可能最快将在2月份访问美国。
[ET Net News Agency, 27 January 2025] A non-direct manual trade of 1.48 million shares of BABA-W (09988) was registered at 3:20p.m. The deal amounted to HK$129.72m, or at HK$87.65 per share, 3.4% high ...
China reserves the right to take necessary measures to firmly safeguard its legitimate interests, the spokesperson stated. "For some time, a few countries have generalized the concept of national ...
CME集团宣布计划推出一系列新的微型谷物和油籽期货合约,旨在为市场参与者提供更多灵活性。 这些合约计划于2025年2月24日推出,将采用现金结算,设计规模为公司现有玉米、小麦、大豆、豆油和豆粕期货的十分之一,目前正待监管机构批准。
因对美国加征关税担忧加剧,大量避险资金涌入黄金市场,国际金价再创历史新高。 1月31日晚间,伦敦现货金强势拉升,涨0.66%报2813.21美元/盎司,首次突破2800美元大关,再创历史新高;COMEX黄金涨0.51%,报2864.2美元/盎司。 春节作为黄金消费的旺季,随着黄金价格的持续上涨,金饰价格也水涨船高,周大福、六福珠宝等零售品牌金饰挂牌价达到846元/克,虽然不少消费者积极购金,但金饰 ...
Fatima becomes an activist to challenge the sex trade in her community. Married off to a pimp as a child bride and expected ...
"I have always been optimistic about China's potential for continued economic growth," said Michael Schumann, chairman of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade.