The heroic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles need to fend off the Foot Clan in their first roguelike adventure, travelling through reality-bending portals to rescue their kidnapped master, Splinter.
The main attraction of this update is the introduction of Casey Jones as a playable character. With his arsenal of hockey gear, Casey will be the first player-controlled character with a ranged attack ...
Splintered Fate is getting DLC! We knew this already, of course, but today Super Evil Megacorp has revealed our first proper look at it, introducing the roguelike's newest playable character: Casey ...
Once players have completed Kendo's Calling in Fortnite Battle Royale, they will unlock the next set of Story Quests with the Splinters of Possibility. With quite a few things to fetch and a few ...
We have all heard of wood splinters and we know they are painful, but did you know that our seemingly harmless strands of hair can pierce your skin and cause painful splinters? Hair splinters ...
Everybody is talking about Superman, including us, and due to that, a few other upcoming films that are part of major franchises are getting lost in the shuffle of the moment. One of the bigger ones, ...