The new Sentara Halifax Regional Hospital surgical area will be named the James H. Priest Surgical Center in honor of the ...
The Halifax County Industrial Development Authority Board of Directors is once again complete board after the appointment of ...
Oh the perils of puppy parenting. In the last month, I’ve lost three pairs of Crocs to the jaws of a Cavalier King Charles ...
Travis Michael Collier, of South Boston, was one of nearly 400 students who graduated from Emporia State University in ...
Joe Smiley, of Clover, made the dean’s list for the fall semester at Millikin University. Students who attempt 12 graded ...
Radford University has released its dean’s list for fall. Appearing on the dean’s list is the most prestigious academic ...
But change is in the air! The column will now appear weekly on Wednesdays. This means more work for me, but also a more ...
Now that we are back in the district, one of our main priorities is constituent work. My team and I are here to assist you ...
Well, it’s March already. Do you ever think time goes too fast? It must be because I am getting old.
The deadline to submit items to the bulletin board is 11:30 a.m. Friday. Email submission to Items publish ...
We’re just trying to do the best we can with the conditions we have.” Conditioning has been one thing Shealy has been able to work on since the start of practice and tryouts a week ago.
Storms and strong, gusty winds could cause problems throughout Southside Virginia on Wednesday and Thursday.