In the 2025/26 pay claim, the unions also call for a minimum hourly rate of £15, an extra day of annual leave, a reduction of two hours in the working week and for school staff to have the right to ...
“Growth also means it’ll be possible for real investment in public services, to get the NHS off its knees, create a national care service and bring councils back from the brink.
“The NHS works as one team, and support roles can’t be cut without affecting patient care. “Health services are still well over 100,000 staff short today and need to grow their workforce by more than ...
“Universities, like other public services, were starved of cash under the previous Conservative governments. Persistent underfunding has left many institutions in financial crisis, but essential ...
Under the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act, anyone can request (and, subject to certain exemptions, receive) information held by a public authority. A request for information must be made in writing ...
A modern NHS needs modern pay practices to keep and recruit the staff required to deal with the multiple crises it currently faces NHS staff are to ask English MPs to help kickstart promised, but ...
UNISON is escalating its campaign for the government to open talks on NHS pay in England. The move comes after the government reneged on its promise to sit down with unions and employers and fix the ...
“Neighbourhood policing has been shattered after a decade and a half of cuts under previous Conservative governments. Extra cash is welcome and sorely needed. “But forces must do everything possible ...
More than six in 10 councils own at least one local authority trading company ...
Mitchell Coe, UNISON’s national LGBT+ officer, has some suggestions for how branches can mark this month ...