À la veille de la rentrée parlementaire, Québec solidaire demande à la ministre Duranceau de poser un geste fort pour les 1,4 million de locataires québécois et plafonner la hausse du prix des loyers ...
While concerns about the future of American democracy dominate headlines worldwide, millions of Texans are already seeing a rapid decline in democratic standards.
Despite the challenges a second Trump administration will bring, Canada can continue to address climate change by working with sub-national leadership in the U.S.
Ana Martín Gil, Research Manager, Edward P. Djerejian Center for the Middle East, Baker Institute, Rice University For more than a decade, Syrians have been the world’s largest refugee population.
Comment comprendre l’accroissement constant du narcotrafic dans l’Hexagone ces dernières décennies ? Un facteur important réside dans le développement du transport maritime, par exemple au Havre.
While Mark Carney’s outsider status inspires the Liberal faithful, his performance on the campaign trail is more likely to highlight the drawbacks of political inexperience.
Speaking with an AI bot can be amusing and even helpful – if it understands you. How well AIs do that is a matter of whose speech they’ve been trained on.