The New York Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that a Nassau County law prohibiting men from competing in female sports at a county-run facility is constitutional. State Supreme Court Judge Bruce Cozzen ...
WASHINGTON (OSV News) -- "El aborto es el más significativo abuso a los derechos humanos de nuestra era", es la consigna que moviliza a organizadores y participantes de la Marcha por la Vida que este ...
The somber mood spoke volumes. Displaying a despondent countenance before a throng of national media, University of Notre Dame football coach Marcus Freeman and two of his stalwart seni ...
As Catholics prayed across the country for President Donald Trump as he was sworn in as the nation's 47th president Jan. 20, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York was in the U.S. Capitol ...
WASHINGTON (OSV News) -- Una coalición de grupos de defensa, liderada por la Unión Estadounidense por las Libertades Civiles (o ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés), presentó el 20 de e ...
WASHINGTON (OSV News) -- El presidente Donald Trump firmó órdenes ejecutivas el 20 de enero en las que instruye al gobierno de Estados Unidos a reconocer únicamente dos sexos, masculino ...
CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) -- Dios dice a los cristianos que no tengan miedo porque siempre está cerca, acompañando a los fieles a lo largo de sus vidas y a través de todos sus desaf&#23 ...
I -- like so many others -- saw the winter's first snowfalls. Since weather is a perennially popular topic for small talk, it did not take long to see that snowfall receiv ...
In his "Rule," St. Benedict remarks that a monastery is never without guests. Though he wrote this line 1,500 years ago, the monastery remains alluring even for modern visitors. The monks leave the ...
Q: I have been hearing that the "norm" in the United States is to receive Communion standing. Does this mean that people who try to kneel for Communion are breaking canon law? (Florida) A: You are ...
Deportation is often seen as a last resort in enforcing immigration laws. It is not considered a punishment but rather an exercise of a government's sovereign right to exclude from its nation whomever ...
Days after a wildfire destroyed their apartment and all their earthly belongings, Raul and Claudia De La Rosa have only one ...