If you grow houseplants, especially these days, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by all the gadgets, potions and gizmos that ...
Drip saucers are ineffective and can leave marks on your furniture, use this handy trick to keep your houseplants tidy ...
Create a hidden greenhouse in your kitchen with this set of adaptable grow lights. Grow herbs, lettuce, houseplants and more ...
If you're thinking about buying one of those pop-up greenhouses, I say do it. I bought one and it changed my entire growing ...
Four amazing things happen when you plant your seedlings with worm castings in the spring. Check out the benefits you can ...
If you still haven’t tried mycorrhizae, consider this your wake-up call – your plants are missing out! Your vegetables, your ...
Christmas may be the last thing on your mind in the spring. But your Christmas cactus should be; it's the right time for a ...
Let’s take a look at Oregon Spring, the tomato variety created at Oregon State University specifically for the short, cool summers of the Pacific Northwest. Whether you live in a hardiness zone that ...