In a set of articles appearing in Perspectives on Psychological Science, an international array of scientists discusses how ...
Podcast: This episode explores how non-representative samples can influence study conclusions and highlights solutions for strengthening study validity.
Many psychological scientists are now calling for a “heterogeneity revolution,” focused on uncovering individual and ...
It’s unfortunately not uncommon to occasionally have a therapy session that feels like a dud,” said Alayna Park, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Oregon.But if after three or ...
You’re standing in line at the supermarket or drugstore when a stranger speaks up....In some scenarios, such as an upcoming work or networking event, people can prepare ahead of time for the expected ...
Janet Taylor Spence recipient Mark Thornton, an assistant professor at Dartmouth College and director of the Social ...
How might teachers of psychology respond to allegations that their subject undermines conservative values? David Myers has ...
Advanced statistics classes almost never teach us how to estimate power to test innovative hypotheses embedded in complex ...
Zero-sum thinking has spread like a mind virus, from geopolitics to pop culture....“One thing I’ve seen people do if they know they’re being forced into a zero-sum game is minimize investment and hold ...
Scientific research may not have evidence of the sacred, but there is a large body of work that shows the positive effects of ...
Researchers break apart monoliths to find out why bisexual people are more burdened by mental health challenges than gay or ...
Berry bowls. Erewhon smoothies. Chia pudding. Many of us mindfully sprinkle wheat germ on grapefruit or embrace whatever healthy food trend promises to deliver a longer lifespan, and what’s the harm ...