The National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore, an autonomous institute within NTU, is the national teacher education institute and an integral part of the nation’s education system. Offering ...
CareerAxis is a mobile-enabled Career Portal enhanced with smart features that prompts you with alerts and recommend jobs, so that you never miss any opportunities. Booking for workshops, career ...
The General Education Requirement (GER) embodies the NTU educational philosophy that undergraduates should be trained, not just in narrow technical or professional fields, but also in critical ...
The Nanyang PMBA (International Trading) programme aims to train experienced professionals in commodity and wholesale trade to lead effectively across markets and cultures. The curriculum is designed ...
Young and research-intensive, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) is placed 15 th globally, and 1st among the world’s best young universities for seven consecutive years ...
Several scholarship programmes are available to support those pursuing undergraduate studies at NTU SPMS, some of which are listed below. You can apply for these scholarships while applying for ...
A Bachelor's degree with honours at least at Second Class Upper level, Master's degree in the relevant areas and the ability to pursue research in the candidate's proposed field of advanced study.
The Leaders in Education Programme (LEP) prepares selected education officers for principalship in schools. The objectives of the LEP are aligned with the values and educational philosophy of the ...
Welcome to Professional Development (PD) programmes and courses at NIE. In alignment with the mission of NIE to excel in Teacher Education, the range of professional development programmes and courses ...
NIE’s degree is a direct honours, double major programme, which recognises the academic rigour and depth of knowledge that NIE undergraduates undertake in both their content area of expertise and in ...
In alignment with Singapore’s emphasis on lifelong learning and the SkillsFuture movement, NIE has curated a suite of professional learning programmes and courses to support the continual development ...
Students are required to pursue an independent but supervised research on an approved topic based on which a thesis must be submitted for examination. Students are also required to attend classes and ...