The National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore, an autonomous institute within NTU, is the national teacher education institute and an integral part of the nation’s education system. Offering ...
BDE (BSDA-Core) Database Either BC2402 Designing & Developing Databases (4AU) / EE4791 Database Systems (3AU) / SC2207 Introduction to Database* (3AU) 3 or 4 BDE (BSDA-Core) Data Visualization / ...
CareerAxis is a mobile-enabled Career Portal enhanced with smart features that prompts you with alerts and recommend jobs, so that you never miss any opportunities. Booking for workshops, career ...
The General Education Requirement (GER) embodies the NTU educational philosophy that undergraduates should be trained, not just in narrow technical or professional fields, but also in critical ...
Offering fully funded postgraduate scholarships to undertake collaborative research projects at the two institutions, leading to PhD degrees to be conferred either by the UoE or NTU. The University of ...
What does cooking have to do with running an engineering college? More than you think, as HEY! finds out from Prof Warren Chan, NTU’s new dean of engineering, who also hopes to cultivate a greater ...
The Nanyang PMBA (International Trading) programme aims to train experienced professionals in commodity and wholesale trade to lead effectively across markets and cultures. The curriculum is designed ...
Young and research-intensive, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) is placed 15 th globally, and 1st among the world’s best young universities for seven consecutive years ...
Tapping on the strengths, expertise and diverse research interest of the faculty members at the School of Biological Sciences, we offer a myriad of Ph.D. projects. These Ph.D. projects are open to ...
Several scholarship programmes are available to support those pursuing undergraduate studies at NTU SPMS, some of which are listed below. You can apply for these scholarships while applying for ...