Global Affairs Canada manages Canada’s diplomatic relations, provides consular services to Canadians, promotes the country’s international trade, and leads Canada’s international development and ...
Process to adopt a child internationally and bring them back to Canada.
The roles and responsibilities of Canada’s National Contact Point (NCP) for Responsible Business Conduct, details of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Guidelines for Multinational ...
Learn about the Government of Canada's funding opportunities for Canadian and international partners that work to reduce poverty in developing countries.
We define, shape and advance Canada’s interests and values in a complex global environment. We manage diplomatic relations, promote international trade and provide consular assistance. We lead ...
Services aux Canadiens qui étudient ou travaillent en Estonie, qui y font des affaires ou du tourisme. Inclut également de l’information pour les personnes qui souhaitent venir au Canada.
Services for Canadians if you're visiting, studying, working or doing business in Senegal. Includes information about coming to Canada.