Carnegie Mellon’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers many supportive resources for students, including destress activities, internship placement, career counseling, and alumni ...
This project is directed at developing heads and media for recording at densities of 1Tbpsi ten times the current densitywhich is expected to enable storage of over 400 Gbytes in a 2.5 inch disk drive ...
The Master of Science in Software Engineering (MS in SE) is a unique program offered exclusively at CMU’s Silicon Valley campus. It emphasizes a rigorous foundation in the core disciplines of software ...
Ron Rohrer is Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. A noted innovator, entrepreneur and professor, Ron is recognized as an early developer of circuit ...
42 units must be taken from the following College of Engineering Core Courses. One course must be completed from each of the four areas. *Note that all MS AIE–ECE students must enroll in two Core ...
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ranks among the best in the country. Our research programs are at the forefront of world-changing technology. Our interdisciplinary approach to ...
I’m interested in things that move. My goal is to enable robotic systems that can match or exceed the level of agility, efficiency, and robustness demonstrated by humans and animals, especially in ...
We require a minimum of eight months of co-op experience to identify the work experience as a co-op. Students must have minimally completed their sophomore year to qualify for application to a co-op ...
The Integrated Master's/Bachelor's program (otherwise known as the IMB program) in ECE allows students who excel academically to achieve both a bachelor's and master’s degree in ECE through our ...
The following courses are listed by area and are available to fulfill the PhD Breadth Requirements.
Shinji Watanabe is an Associate Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. (Dr. Eng.) degrees from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. He was a ...
John Paul Shen was a Nokia Fellow and the founding director of Nokia Research Center - North America Lab. NRC-NAL had research teams pursuing a wide range of research projects in mobile Internet and ...