With anti-whaling campaigner Paul Watson free from prison and extradition, we ask how this case reflects on the treatment of climate and environmental activists in Europe.
With anti-whaling campaigner Paul Watson free from prison and extradition, we ask how this case reflects on the treatment of climate and environmental activists in Europe.
Il caso Paul Watson, attivista per la salvaguardia delle balene è un esempio significativo di come gli attivisti per il clima e per l’ambiente sono trattati in Europa.
Con la nueva mayoría más conservadora del Parlamento Europeo, el Pacto Verde vuelve a estar sobre la mesa y muchos piden una revisión del paquete político que se presentó hace cinco años como buque ...
“As with other waves of automation, the supposed potential of generative artificial intelligence (AI) to transform the way we work is creating a huge buzz”, say Data & Society researchers Aiha Nguyen ...