There was a shortage of recorded music during World War II. It wasn’t that all the musicians were sent off to war, but because there was a shortage of material to make records.
Although bootleg recordings date back more than 120 years, they first appeared as wax cylinders, acetate recorders and magnetic tape. Nothing started showing up on vinyl until 1969 when two hippies ...
That means higher insurance costs. This is a large part of why the price of concert tickets has skyrocketed and why a lot of music festivals have been canceled.
When it comes to things like ghosts and poltergeists and spirits, you can put me in the “skeptical” pile. I’m a believer in science and think that just about anything can be explained with a little ...
For some people, cassettes are enjoying a tiny comeback. A few artists release albums on cassette as well as digitally and on CD and vinyl, but not many of these cassettes are heard because there are ...
When I first heard the bassline of this song coming out of my car stereo in the summer of 1981, I remember immediately driving to my favourite record store to pick up a copy of Simple Minds’ new album ...