凤凰卫视“中华小姐环球大赛” 2015年赛季新旅程耀眼开启。6月11日,在长隆5D城堡影院内, 中华小姐历届冠军亲临现场,为中华小姐新一年的赛事加油。
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核心提示:窦文涛认为,赵黎平事情做到这个程度,他已经是不惜一切代价了。 凤凰卫视3月31日《锵锵三人行》,以下为文字 ...
核心提示:这里曾经是落后的英国殖民地,却飞速发展成为全球重要的金融中心。这里深处东南亚腹地,但一举一动倍受各方 ...
Phoenix Movies Channel was launched in August 1998 as the first subscription movie channel in mainland China. Since then, it has been entertaining an extensive audience base in the country via ...
Phoenix Hong Kong Channel, a comprehensive 24-hour Cantonese channel, was launched on March 28, 2011. At present its coverage spans from Hong Kong, Macau to Guangdong. Viewers around the world can ...