The Fog of War is a documentary film about the life of Robert McNamara, who was the U.S. Secretary of Defense from 1961 to 1968. In 1945, McNamara served on the island of Guam under General Curtis ...
Since I participate in no “social media”, as that term is commonly understood, I have never used Tik Tok. So why ( I’ve been asked) do I support the law banning its use in the United States? A fair ...
FEMA and MAGA are using this opportunity to reach out to whomever has been a victim of this unfortunate incidents all over the States of America to support and give assistance to the victims of the ...
My kids are pretty upset about the proposed Tik Tok ban… as is most of Gen Z, from what I can tell. It’s not often the federal government tells us we can no longer do something that we absolutely love ...