The EU's rule of law toolbox is designed to address situations where the rule of law is under threat or deteriorating, due to systemic violations or more isolated incidents.
Rule of law is a fundamental EU value that allows for the application of EU law, protects citizens’ rights and helps boost a well-functioning single market.
Bendras pertvarkymo mechanizmas (BPeM) yra antrasis bankų sąjungos ramstis. Juo užtikrinama, kad žlungantys bankai būtų ...
Единният механизъм за преструктуриране (ЕМП) е вторият стълб на банковия съюз. Той гарантира организирано преструктуриране на ...
Jednotný mechanismus pro řešení krizí (SRM) je druhým pilířem bankovní unie. Zajišťuje řádnou restrukturalizaci bank, jimž ...
In his debrief to the European Parliament on the December European Council, President Costa highlighted the main topics discussed by the EU leaders including Ukraine, enlargement and the EU's role in ...
The Council adopted a third assistance measure worth €60 million under the EPF to the benefit the Lebanese Armed Forces.
Jednolity mechanizm restrukturyzacji i uporządkowanej likwidacji to drugi filar unii bankowej. Dzięki niemu upadające banki ...
Vienotais noregulējuma mehānisms (VNM) ir banku savienības otrais pīlārs. Tas nodrošina grūtībās nonākušu banku pienācīgu ...
Mecanismul unic de rezoluție (MUR) este al doilea pilon al uniunii bancare. Acesta asigură restructurarea în mod ordonat a băncilor în curs de a intra în dificultate, cu costuri minime pentru contribu ...
The EU rules on nature protection aim to safeguard species and their habitats. Natura 2000 is the largest coordinated network ...
Jedinstveni nadzorni mehanizam prvi je stup bankovne unije. Njime se osigurava poboljšani nadzor nad bankovnim sektorom Europe.