There have been increasing concerns that the introduction of the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc) and Progress 8 has put arts subjects at risk, with GCSE arts entries falling A report by the Education ...
Shortly before the government reshuffle, Dominic Savage, director general of BESA asked Michael Gove what policy he was most proud of during his four year term. He responded that it was the autonomy ...
Despite the media turmoil, there are some simple and effective actions that schools can take to ensure the safety and well-being of students during school playtimes, says Neil Coleman of OPAL. More ...
Schools rely upon good solid budget plans to survive the inevitable twists and turns that the school year provides. Education Business looks at why budget plans are only worthwhile if schools know ...
A new survey by Kindred Squared has revealed insights into school readiness, with 90 per cent of parents in 2024 believing ...
Tablets for Schools is a charity that commissions the largest independent research programme in the world on how tablets impact learning and attainment. The latest report summarises findings from an ...
Most education professionals recognise the value of learning outside the classroom (LOtC) in broadening the horizons of young people, raising self esteem and making learning more memorable. More and ...
As a result of academisation and even in maintained schools, where the role of the LA is changing with less support available for schools, the role of the school business manager is becoming even more ...
The tragic murder of Leeds school teacher, Ann Maguire, in her classroom in April this year has highlighted the changing nature of security threats facing schools across the UK. As the debate rages on ...
Is learning outside the classroom part of your strategy to improve the outcomes for pupils at your school? If not, it should be, writes Kim Somerville, interim head of the Council for Learning Outside ...
Familiarity with fire drill procedures should be a prominent aspect of a teacher’s knowledge of the school. Catherine Nelms, of the Fire Industry Association, outlines why using the fire alarm log ...
Within the new Children and Families Act 2014 are changes to statutory assessment and a replacement of SEN statements with new education, health and care (EHC) plans, introducing a more person-centred ...