美国国际宗教自由委员会(USCIRF)最近就如何推进缅甸的宗教自由举行了听证会。梅尔·索洛维奇克(Meir Soloveichik)目前是USCIRF的副主席。USCIRF是根据1998年《国际宗教自由法》成立的独立、跨党派的美国政府咨询机构。 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普、他的政府成员与 ...
以下是一篇反映美国理想与制度的社论: 2月份的第三个星期一是美国的总统日。这一天最初是为了纪念美国第一任总统乔治·华盛顿,自从1969年以来,这一天也向亚伯拉罕·林肯总统表达敬意。如今,这一天向美国的所有总统致敬。 把这一天当作特殊日子始于 ...
Millions of Ukrainians and Russians have been needlessly killed or wounded in this horrific and brutal conflict with no end ...
"We don’t want to have to go around and arrest every person, but we will enforce the American people’s immigration laws," ...
The United States continues to call on Sudan’s warring parties to cease hostilities, allow unhindered humanitarian access, and protect civilians,” said Ambassador Kelley.
"The cartels are waging war in America, and it’s time for America to wage war on the cartels," said President Trump.
"Tariffs are not just about protecting American jobs. They’re about protecting the soul of our country. Tariffs are about ...
"[W]e must be able to build the chips and semiconductors that we need right here, in American factories, with American skill ...
As Burma continues to fragment,” said USCIRF Vice Chair Soloveichik, “vulnerable religious communities are further exposed to ...
President Trump vowed to “adopt new rules to stop U.S. companies from pouring investments into China, and to stop China from ...
"Just today, a large American company announced they are buying both ports around the Panama Canal," said President Trump.
"We're not going to abandon our engagement as a Pacific power," said Secretary Rubio, "we're not going to live in a world ...