The Washington Applied Sustainability Internship (WASI) program pairs college students with businesses to help achieve ...
The drought declared in April 2024, is still in effect while experts keep an eye out for signs of improving conditions.
Have a wetland-related question? Find our regional wetland and subject-specific wetland contacts.
Looking for information related to the health of underground aquifer resources? We work with many entities and agencies that conduct research and provide additional information related to the use and ...
Climate change increases wildfire risks through rising temperatures, which reduces winter snowpack, and produces hotter and drier summers. This directly impacts the number and severity of wildfires ...
Find a household hazardous waste disposal site in your county. Accepts: Household hazardous waste. Does not accept wastes from business unless it is a scheduled small business collection event. Check ...
We and local clean air agencies monitor and track emissions to make sure levels of outdoor air pollutants meet federal and state air quality standards. We focus on EPA's "criteria" pollutants and ...
Low Impact Development (LID) is a stormwater and land-use management strategy that tries to mimic natural hydrologic conditions by emphasizing the following techniques: Conservation Use of on-site ...
The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) protects public health, safety, and the environment from chemical hazards. This is done by requiring federal and state governments, local ...
A 2016 Washington State Supreme Court decision changed how counties decide to approve or deny building permits that use wells for a water source. In the Whatcom County vs. Hirst, Futurewise, et al.
Waters of the state belong to the public and can't be owned by any individual or group. Instead, a person or group may be granted a right to use a volume of water, for a defined purpose, in a specific ...
Rainwater collection, including the use of rain barrels, has become more popular as a supplemental source of water. In 2009, we issued a rainwater use interpretive policy, which clarifies that you may ...