A Funeral Mass for 97 year old Ethel Kohlhaas, of Lu Verne, will be held Tuesday, at 10:30am, at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Wesley. Visitation is Monday, from 5-7pm, at the Bishop Garrigan Chapel ...
Mass of Christian Burial for 99 year old Jeanette Buscher, of Algona, will be held Monday, at 10:30am, at St. Cecelia. Visitation is Sunday, from 4-7pm, at the Bishop Garrigan Chapel. Lentz Funeral ...
Keep Iowa Beautiful is now signing up volunteers for its annual Pick-Up Iowa event. Executive Director Andy Franz says this is the 25th year of volunteers picking up trash along roadways, parks, and ...
Iowa school boards could decide to let eighth graders play high school sports during the school year under a bill that's passed the House. Representative Skyler Wheeler of Hull is the bill's sponsor.
A number of musical performers will take the stage at the Wilcox Performing Arts Center this weekend in an attempt to win college scholarship money. The contest is hosted by the Iowa Chapter of the ...
The Algona School Board signed off on the district’s calendar for the 2025-2026 school year during their meeting Monday night. Superintendent Joe Carter addressed the board and told them the calendar ...
The Kossuth County Board of Supervisors approved a detour agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation along US Highway 18 east of Algona during their meeting Tuesday. County Engineer Doug ...
Mass of Christian Burial for Laure Kent, of Algona, will be held Tuesday, 10:30am, at St. Cecelia Catholic Church in Algona. Visitation is Monday, from 4-7pm, at the Parish Center Algona.
The Iowa House has unanimously approved a bill that toughens penalties for assaulting anyone working in a hospital or nursing home. Under current law, someone could face enhanced charges, including a ...
New Harley Davidson XL, many pocket, purchased new at $400. Sale $375.00 Leather Harley Davidson brown in color. New $495, asking $375 Call: 641-585-4690 leave message ...
The Iowa Food System Coalition says the USDA has cancelled contracts worth more than 11-million dollars. The money was to help the state's food banks, schools and child care centers purchase local ...
Iowa Lakes Community College will host an open house next week at their newly remodeled Surgical Technology Lab on the Spencer Campus. Tammy Shimon serves as Dean of Health Sciences for Iowa Lakes, ...