Paul McCartney is often, and quite reasonably, called one of the greatest songwriters of all time, but even he has come up with some duds in his time.
An upcoming exhibit on music legend John Lennon's "Lost Weekend" will show a different side of the former Beatle.
In the later years of his career, John Lennon stopped wearing rose-tinted glasses when it came to the Beatles' songs — in ...
Even during their lunch break, The Beatles continued rehearsing. The afternoon session saw them record A Taste of Honey, ...
TRYON—The Tryon Concert Association will present the guitar trio Avanti at its second TGIF concert on Friday, March 21, at 6 ...
John Lennon undeniably left quite an impact on the world, but he also did on these three musicians and friends.
He was the last remaining core member of a group that was both propelled and pigeonholed in the 1970s by its close ...
Eyes of the Storm,’ the touring exhibit of the early years of The Beatles’ leap to pop music stardom, are presented in an ...
John Lennon made staggering accomplishments while in The Beatles. He didn't think his life would have gone far without the ...
Judy Garland's "Over The Rainbow" was voted Song Of The Century; Ace of Base hit No. 1; Pete Doherty was born; Paul married Linda; the U.S. charts got Rick-rolled for realsies; R.E.M. dropped “Out of ...
Brevity may be the soul of wit, but someone didn't give these musicians the memo. And we, the fans, are all the better for it ...
Throughout our various careers, there are trophies, special moments and great memories we accumulate. During my last few ...