(法新社华盛顿22日电) 美国总统川普签署行政命令,再次将伊朗撑腰的叶门什叶派激进团体「青年运动」(Houthis)叛军列为「外国恐怖组织」。 拜登此举是为回应一些援助组织的顾虑,他们担心由于青年运动实际控制包括首都沙那(Sanaa)等广大地区,他们必须跟青年运动打交道,不然就只能撤出叶门。
A gunman who killed at least 10 people in a rampage in a small town in Montenegro died from self-inflicted injuries on Thursday after attempting suicide, the country's interior minister, Danilo ...
In response, the US-led navy coalition stationed in the area has regularly conducted air raids and strikes against Houthi targets to deter the group, prompting the Houthis to expand attacks to include ...
精句选粹 The Houthis have morphed from sandal-wearing fighters to rock stars. 伊朗的「抵抗轴心」,过去一个月来遭受以色列一系列回击,包括针对哈马斯和真主 ...