The Rochester Fire Department says daylight saving is its usual twice per year reminder to check the batteries in your smoke ...
Daylight Saving Time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday. Timepieces should be turned forward one hour. Many modern electronic systems do ...
For homes with hard-wired smoke alarm systems, the NOFD advises replacing the 9-volt backup batteries. For those relying on older stand-alone 9-volt alarms, the department is offering a valuable ...
CLAYTON – Spring is almost here, and with it comes more daylight and warmer nights. As residents “spring forward” for Daylight Saving Time at 2 a.m., Sunday, March 9, it’s the perfect opportunity ...
LA CROSSE, Wis. (WXOW) -- This Sunday is the start of Daylight Saving Time, meaning clocks will jump ahead by one hour. The ...
Dead or missing batteries are the most common cause of a smoke or carbon monoxide alarm malfunction."Working smoke alarms are absolutely critical for your family to receive early notification during a ...
A four-alarm fire in Stamford is believed to have started in a restaurant and spread to other businesses during a two-hour ...
Working smoke and CO alarms are your family’s first line of defense against an emergency at home,” said State Fire Marshal ...
The Shapiro administration is reminding Pennsylvanians to change the batteries in their smoke and carbon monoxide alarms while changing their clocks for this weekend’s “spring forward” time change.