The Acer Aspire 3 (2025) is now available in India. The 128 GB storage is priced at INR14,990 (approx. PHP10,199), 256GB for INR17,990 (approx. PHP12,1999), and an unpriced 512GB storage variant.
The 1TB model now costs as much as the 500GB version used to, making it an even better deal for when you need extra storage without shelling out more cash.
This SSD has been around for a while, yet we never reviewed it. PCIe Gen 4.0 is still going strong today, and the 1 TB version of this PRO model can be purchased for 10 cents per GB these days.
Solid-State Drive (SSD) Market Research Report Information By Interface ... and enterprise-level data centers due to their compact size and fast data transfer rates. PCIe NVMe SSDs: These SSDs offer ...