NATO's newest member comes out swinging following latest Baltic Sea cable attack Saints named potential trade partner with ...
年底是智能手机用户频繁换机的黄金期,也是各大手机厂商争抢销量的关键时刻。值得注意的是,作为全球智能手机出货量的领军者——三星,正全力以赴开展年度清仓活动。近期,笔者在第三方平台发现,三星S22 Ultra的价格创下历史新低,12GB+256GB版本到手仅需2968元!与发布时的高价相比,如今的性价比可谓逆天。那么,作为几年前问世的旗舰机型,三星S22 Ultra现在还值得入手吗?
The Korean company announced today that it will launch a new trade-in program that doesn’t require the purchase of a new ...
年末,换机潮如潮水般涌来,各大手机制造商纷纷使出降价绝招,旨在吸引买家。而这一切的焦点,无疑是全球智能手机市场的巨头——三星。近日,我们发现,三星S22 Ultra在第三方平台的价格一路狂降,竟然低至2968元!这可是该机型有史以来的最低价,真是让人心动不已。 那么,拥有几年前光辉历史的三星S22 Ultra,在如今的市场是否依然值得入手呢?话说,决定一款手机是否值得充值的,往往只关乎两件事:性价 ...
For a no-holds-barred premium experience, check out the Galaxy S22 Ultra. At launch, the standard Galaxy S22 comes in a 128GB storage variant for $799, or an upgraded 256GB version for $849.
We've seen and reported on several stray leaks about the upcoming series here and there, but nothing truly as vast as a full ...
The Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra is the latest addition to the company's flagship smartphone lineup, succeeding the highly ...