同时研发Intel 20A和Intel 18A工艺,Intel 20A工艺计划发展代工业务,Intel 18A则用于自家的芯片生产。 基辛格发展芯片代工业务导致Intel的亏损不断扩大 ...
英特尔日前宣布,取消以Intel 20A制程生产Arrow Lake处理器,改成外包,最有可能包给台积电,加上大客户苹果A18处理器,还有高通与联发科10月新旗舰 ...
在CES 2025科技盛会上,Intel临时联合首席执行官及产品掌舵人米歇尔·约翰斯顿·霍尔索斯透露,Intel正加速推进AI ...
快科技1月7日消息,Intel临时联合CEO兼产品首席执行官霍尔索斯(Michelle Johnston Holthaus)在CES 2025上表示,公司会在2025年继续推动发展AI PC的产品组合,并且会在2025年下半年批量生产采用英特尔18A制程工艺的产品。
Intel 18A工艺(等效于1.8nm)进展顺利且超过预期,Arrow Lake高性能处理器原定采用的20A工艺(等效于2nm)已经取消,改为外部代工制造。 Intel在今年7月向 ...
The fourth node is Intel 20A and will usher in what Gelsinger called the “angstrom era” of processors when it starts powering processors in 2024. The node will make use of what Intel called ...
Intel has been steadily losing share in the PC CPU market to Advanced Micro Devices over much of the past decade. In the laptop CPU market, Intel still held a 77.7% unit market share in the second ...
Intel Reaffirms Plans For Intel 3, Intel 20A And Intel 18A With Intel having introduced products on the first two nodes in Gelsinger’s plan—Intel 7 and Intel 4—the company said that the next ...
The chip maker will no longer use nanometer-based node nomenclature. The Intel 20A process will take us to the Angstrom era with node sizes less than a nanometer. Intel has announced that it will ...
Intel needs a new CEO as it enters a critical year. The Intel 18A process must launch on time without any major problems. Intel's product roadmap depends on Intel 18A, as does its foundry business ...