Apple says its next-gen AI features tied to an upgraded Siri will only arrive next year. It seems those delays have also ...
Apple's long-rumored Home Hub peripheral is now rumored to be debuting in the second half of 2025, and is allegedly being ...
随着苹果“带屏HomePod”的逐步揭晓,智能家居控制终端市场将迎来新的竞争潮流。这款产品不仅支持更加直观的触控互动,还具备快速响应的能力,让用户在家庭生活中享受到更高效和智能的服务。在未来,带屏智能音箱将逐渐成为家庭中的“AI伴侣”,引领智能生活的 ...
近年来,随着智能家居生态的快速发展,越来越多的设备和平台致力于构建一个互联互通的智能家居环境。苹果在这一领域一直持续关注,尽管早在2014年就推出了HomeKit智能家居平台,但其生态一直缺少一个真正的中央控制装置。现在,彭博社知名记者Mark ...
最近,Mark Gurman对这款设备进行了全方位的细节公布,包括外观设计、HomeOS的软件特性,以及对苹果智能的支持。 除了控制智能家电之外,传闻中的苹果“带屏HomePod”似乎还有更超前的理念。 这会是苹果发力智能家居的一个信号吗?
In the latest beta of tvOS 18.4, there are new hints of Apple's work on a smart home hub accessory that's rumored to be ...
直到去年,关于苹果新设备的消息开始流传。据彭博社Mark Gurman报道,苹果正在研发一款带屏幕的智能家居中枢,其外形类似iPad,配备扬声器底座,并将搭载独立的操作系统。这一消息无疑为苹果智能家居生态的发展注入了新的活力。
Currently, the Apple TV box and HomePod speakers run the tVOS platform. Apple's much rumored smart home hub that is supposed ...
Rumors point out that Apple is working on several new smart home devices. The latest tvOS 18.4 beta code hints at one of ...
11 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNHomePod:苹果生态帝国的裂缝在苹果辉煌的创新史上,HomePod无疑是一个异数。这款被寄予厚望的智能音箱,最终成为了苹果产品线中最令人唏嘘的存在。它不仅未能复制iPhone的成功,反而暴露了苹果在智能家居领域的战略失误。
As its primary purpose would be to act as a smart home hub, most reports point towards the HomePod 3's interface as being focused on controlling all of the best HomeKit devices. Also according to ...
Currently, the Apple TV box and HomePod speakers run the tVOS platform. Apple's much rumored smart home hub that is supposed to launch this year is also reportedly going to run on tvOS.