加拿大著名的曼尼古根陨坑 在地球长达45亿年的漫长历史中,曾遭受了数百次大型小行星的猛烈撞击,这些撞击在地球上留下了深刻的“伤痕”,至今依然清晰可见,总数至少达到190处。
作为太阳系中最有可能存在外星生命的行星,火星一直备受人类的关注,为了深入了解这颗星球的地质构造、气候演变以及是否曾经存在生命痕迹,NASA与欧洲航天局联合启动了“火星样本返回计划”(Mars Sample ...
A volcano in the US state of Hawaii has fired fountains of lava some 260 feet into the air in a dramatic eruption on the Big Island, filling its crater with the glowing molten rock. The latest ...
Mount Ibu erupts in eastern Indonesia on Saturday, sending volcanic material 4,000 meters into the air. A volcano in eastern ...
million years. We interpret this as the date of volcanism in SPA and incorporate it into lunar crater chronology. Strontium, neodymium, and lead isotopes indicate that the volcanic magma was from ...