Three years after Sony unveiled the flagship WH-1000XM5 headphones, a successor is finally in the works. The company’s WH-1000XM6 premium headphones have just been spotted on a certification platform.
Fingers crossed they're not too far away... It's likely, but not officially confirmed, that the Sony WH-1000XM6 will arrive during the summer of 2025. The much-anticipated cans showed up in late ...
The Sony WH-1000XM5 headphones are powered by the Integrated processor V1, along with the QN1 noise cancelling processor which claims to deliver better performance across the board. The headphones ...
How much will Sony ask for the WH-1000XM6? That depends on where it sees these new headphones. If Sony surprises us and positions the XM6 as an ultra-premium set of cans, they could be very expensive.