BEIJING (AP) — China has executed two men who committed deadly attacks that killed dozens in November, raising concerns about a surge in what are called “revenge on society crimes,” state media ...
PARACHINAR, Pakistán (AP) — Las fuerzas de seguridad paquistaníes iniciaron una operación contra milicianos en un distrito inestable del noroeste que hace frontera con Afganistán, según informaron ...
Serbian state television, RTS, is reporting that eight people died early Monday in a fire at a home for the elderly on the outskirts of the capital, Belgrade. It said seven people were injured in the ...
Han Zheng, quien actúa como enviado del presidente chino Xi Jinping en la investidura, “comentó una variedad de temas como el fentanilo, la balanza comercial y la estabilidad regional” con JD Vance, ...