The Strong Museum announces its 'World Video Game Hall of Fame' finalists and for 2025, Rare's iconic first-person shooter ...
Following its recent Metroid Prime statue, First 4 Figures has now officially unveiled a new Spyro: Year of the Dragon skateboard statue.
Jump Race (NOSTRA GAMES, 6th Mar, $4.99) - There are different types of races and now you can try a completely new and ...
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When you look at PS5 sales on a worldwide scale, there's no denying that Sony's latest hardware family is doing very well.
In case you missed it, Stardew Valley 's most recent update ( Version included an error on the Switch. While the ...
Nintendo has announced two more Game Boy titles to the Switch Online service and they're available right now. First up we have the 1994 title Donkey Kong and along with this is the 1995 puzzle game ...
Games don't come much cooler than Sonokuni. This is a Hotline Miami -inspired action game developed by the Japanese hip hop group Don Yasa Crew and, just when you thought that premise couldn't get any ...
Still, it's an intriguing handheld, even if it is a bit ugly. For example, in order to fold the screen over completely, holes have been implemented where the d-pad and face buttons are usually ...
This is, essentially, a cut "room" from Tears of the Kingdom, like the beta version of one of the game's dungeons or the unused rooms in Hyrule Castle. The difference is. this one's fully rendered, ...
Now, in a recent Video Game History Hour podcast (via Time Extension ), ex-Nintendo of America employee and "marketing mastermind" Gail Tilden shares details that shed some light on her mindset once ...
As long as Pokémon TCG exists, there will always be scalpers looking to make a quick buck from the game's rare cards and packs.