EofE Ultrasonics, Korea, reports it has delivered 10 sets of scanning sonar Echologger MRS900 to Tetis Group. The 2,000m rated ultra-compact scanning sonar will be installed on Tetis' ROVs. Commenting ...
The underwater exploration technology made it possible for humans to explore the undersea depths only within the past 50 years. Before this technology was invented, human kind had to rely on ...
UK exploration well 30/1f-13 and sidetrack 30/1f-13Y have encountered hydrocarbons in the Marconi-Vorlich prospect. The find in Paleocene Sandstones has been flow tested at a maximum rate of 5,350 ...
Two new chief scientists have been appointed to the National Oceanography Centre’s (NOC) Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems (MARS) Group.Dr Veerle Huvenne and Dr Filipa Carvalho will work to increase ...
EdgeTech announced that Ryan Pitre, Ph.D. joined its Research and Development team. Dr. Ryan Pitre earned his Ph.D. from the University of New Orleans under target tracking researcher Dr. X. Rong Li.
Participate in operational development and improvement of the terminal operating system (ZODIAC). 01/2012: HSE Trainer. appliances, pollution equipments, gas detection equipments, establish all work ...