Digital wallets are emerging as an all-in-one solution to add re ss friction in not only payments but also ID verification and access management. By adding scanning and document encryption to their ...
ITU and ESA have announced a collaborative effort to improve mitigation measures against harmful interference in satellite ...
A new AI skills hub has been launched by the AI Skills Coalition, led by ITU under the AI for Good Impact Initiative.
Unless specified otherwise, registration to ITU-R events requires the approval of the corresponding Designated Focal Points (DFP) for ITU-R event registration. Read more on registration to ITU-R ...
This Recommendation is aligned with a subset of ISO/IEC 14496-5 and ISO/IEC 14496-4. This edition integrates the modifications introduced by Corrigendum 1 (2005-10), which only affected the C source ...
Computation of reliability and compatibility of HF radio systems Superseded ...
Please find the grouping of Special Sections and Parts by the Procedures of the Radio Regulations irrespective its version in force. For the complete information ...
El Reglamento de las Telecomunicaciones Internacionales (RTI) es un tratado con carácter vinculante administrado por la UIT que gobierna la manera en que los países vinculan todo tipo de redes de la ...
This year, the theme of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) was “Protecting children in cyberspace”. In selecting the theme at its meeting in November 2008, ITU’s Council drew ...
A l’heure actuelle, les dispositions réglementaires que l’UIT applique dans l’enregistrement des assignations de fréquence aux stations spatiales dépendent de la catégorie des orbites utilisées (on ...
This List is a service publication issued by ITU in pursuance of Article 20 of the Radio Regulations (Edition of 2008). The List shall be provided to all ship radiotelegraph stations as prescribed in ...
Le Règlement des télécommunications internationales (RTI) est un traité qui a force obligatoire, est administré par l'UIT et régit la façon dont les pays relient entre eux toutes sortes de réseaux ...