2021, Paper: "The last decade has seen an expo nential increase in corporate sus tainability activities and efforts by investors to use these activi ties in their portfolio formation, valuation, and ...
Noevember 2021, Opinion: "Barry Eichengreen, Asmaa El-Ganainy, Rui Esteves, and Kris James Mitchener present a valuable, detailed account of the evolution of public debt instruments and institutions ...
November 2019, Paper: "After a period of decline in interest and premature predictions of demise, industrial policy is back on the scene. A variety of trends have contributed to the renewed interest.
November 30, 2020, Paper: "The last generation has witnessed an epochal decline in real interest rates in the United States and around the world despite large buildups of government debt. As Table 1 ...
June 2020, Paper, "How quickly will American businesses reopen after COVID-19 lockdowns end? We use a nationwide survey of small businesses to measure firms’ expectations about their re-opening and ...
2020, Paper, "This note describes results from a survey of “anchor investors” in impact funds. Anchor investors are described as “generally the first investor to make a substantial capital commitment ...
December 2, 2020, Audio: "In Washington, personnel is policy. The people President-elect Joe Biden has picked to run economic policy can tell us a lot about what we might expect from the next ...
June 15, 2021, Video: "Rebecca Henderson teaches at the Harvard Business School, but she’s a vocal critic of “business as usual.” In fact, her scholarly research focuses on how we need to change ...
April 2021, Paper: "We provide evidence of the stock market wealth effect on consumption by using a local labor market analysis and regional heterogeneity in stock market wealth. An increase in local ...
September 21, 2021, Book Chapter: "This paper employs an updated algorithm and database for classifying exchange rate and anchor currency choice, to explore the evolution of the global exchange rate ...