Pediatric hospital admissions for influenza have been rising across the United States since the beginning of the year.
Among patients with chronic pain, naturalistic psychedelic use reduced substance use and improved physical and mental health outcomes.
Telemedicine adoption is associated with modestly lower use of low-value, point-of-care testing among Medicare beneficiaries.
In HIV-positive MSM, pain severity was significantly associated with pain management experiences and unhealthy alcohol use.
The Food and Drug Administration has granted Fast Track designation to LTG-001 for the treatment of acute pain.
A significant number of individuals aged 30 to 45 years experience perimenopause-related symptoms, according to study findings.
Engaging in physical activity seems to be beneficial to the mental health of women with chronic pelvic pain disorders.
The FDA has approved Miudella® (copper intrauterine system) for the prevention of pregnancy in females of reproductive potential for up to 3 years.
In a US study, researchers found that 35% of adults with IBD screened positive for spondyloarthritis, despite having no known SpA diagnosis.
In urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome, high-impact chronic pain was linked to worse disability and mental health outcomes, as well as higher health care utilization.
There is a significant burden of undiagnosed SpA in IBD, with many patients reporting musculoskeletal symptoms.
Biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) do not appear to negatively impact fertility among women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or psoriatic arthritis (PsA), according to study ...