SHBA e ndaloi për 24 orë plotësisht platformën TikTok, por presidenti i zgjedhur, Donald Trump tha se aplikacioni pritet “të kthehet online”. Megjithatë, ka disa vende që ndërmorën hapa të shpejtë për ...
Consider, on the one hand, some famous but extinct species such as the dodo and the woolly mammoth. On the other hand, imagine some famous and lively figures from the world of showbiz, such as Peter ...
A small Italian village has prevented its residents from becoming seriously ill. People living in Belcastro "are ordered to avoid contracting any illness that may require urgent medical assistance," ...
Pse të mos provoni këto këshilla të mbështetura në shkencë për të rritur lumturinë në jetën tuaj? Disa njerëz lindin për të qenë më të lumtur se të tjerët. Por, pavarësisht nëse jeni njeri që këndon ...
Lamborghini has flourished under the ownership of the Volkswagen Group, which took over the brand in 1998. After selling more than 10,000 cars a year for the first time in 2023, the last 12 months ...
Destroy factories, churches, shops and houses. Turn them into piles of stones and turn them into ashes: We command, you are only soldiers. Build the cities. Rebuild the walls.
In the house of Big Brother VIP Albania, in addition to debates and tensions, there were other more hilarious moments. One of these happened when Rozana, while passing by to go out into the yard, ...