Cold Spring - 45 days have come and gone and President Trump's order to release the Kennedy files has been disobeyed. I can only think the reason is people want to protect their d ...
Thank you for reading & participating. Spout Off is funded by advertising. Per a CBS News article, "Experts say the bill, which was recently reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives, would ...
A month into his presidency, the economy is not a strength for Trump. Five polls ― from CNN, Quinnipiac, the Washington Post, Reuters and Gallup ― show signs ...
Congratulations to the Herald and its staff for winning 16 awards in the NJ Press Association’s contest for 2024. Way to go! You have a wonderful newspaper. Bes ...
Governor Murphy says he cares about the citizens of NJ. However, he proposes a 500% tax increase on growing marijuana products to pay for his crazy green agenda.
How dare President Trump protect American Taxpayers from the obvious waste, fraud, and abuse of our hard earned tax dollars over the last 4 years under democrat ...
Marxists leftists burning Tesla charging stations, vandalizing Tesla showrooms, and even some owners cars. Do they really think violence/vandalism will make peopl ...
This is a quote from a commenter concerning Canadians boycotting the jersey shore this summer… Canadians at best, make up ten out of every $119 dollars in touris ...
Villas homes are going for $500,000.00. Gone are the days when one could work a seasonal job and sit on their duff and collect unemployment all winter. For those of you still wanting that kind of life ...
I would ask the people talking about Elon Musk's rocket problems what part of these were clearly advertised as test flights do they not understand? Do they unders ...
DOGE is the best! Our federal government is out of control and needs to be cut back. I 100% back Elon’s efforts. Keep it up!
Article in Phila Inquirer March 10 says Canadians won't be vacationing in Cape May County this summer because of Trump. Millions in revenue lost.