O-Train Lines 2 and 4 will open on Saturdays starting Saturday, January 25. This expansion of service follows the launch of weekday service on January 6 and demonstrated safe and consistent service on ...
Residents will be able to watch the media availability on the Ottawa City Council YouTube channel. For more information on City programs and services, visit ottawa.ca, call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) ...
Le maire Mark Sutcliffe et la directrice municipale, Wendy Stephanson, répondront demain aux questions des médias peu après la réunion du Conseil municipal. Les spécialistes suivants seront également ...
Gardez vos conduites d’eau chaude. Laissez les portes ouvertes dans les endroits où se trouvent des conduites d’eau ou votre compteur d’eau, en particulier dans les sous-sols froids, afin de permettre ...
Les Lignes 2 et 4 de l’O-Train seront en service les samedis à partir du samedi 25 janvier. L’élargissement du service suit le lancement du service en semaine, le 6 janvier, et a démontré la sécurité ...
Keep your water lines warm. Leave doors open to areas with water lines or your water meter, especially in cooler basements, to allow heat to circulate. Insulate pipes near exterior walls. Wrap foam ...
The southbound lane closure is related to emergency watermain repair work, involving excavation in the southbound lanes of Woodroffe Avenue, replacement of sections of watermain, and reinstatement of ...
All three women work part-time at recreation facilities across the city, but they connect with each other in the Females in Facility Operations Service group. Their goal is to discuss workplace ...
The Planning and Housing Committee today directed City staff to begin work to develop a renovation licence and relocation by-law for Ottawa, commonly referred to as a renovictions by-law.
The City reminds everyone that municipal beaches are now closed for the season, and no longer have lifeguard supervision or water-quality testing. To protect yourself and your family, please do not ...
The Backflow Prevention Program's purpose is to prevent the backflow of potentially contaminated water from buildings considered severe and moderate hazard risks to ...