President Donald Trump continues to push for the U.S. to take over the autonomous territory of Greenland, a goal he calls an “absolute necessity,” and has refused to rule out economic or military ...
编者按:微信公众号“剡溪小北”是一个致力于古籍整理与文史研究的公众号。其公众号内容主要以研究、分享中国近代作家、曾任职汪精卫政权的胡兰为主。在公众号的介绍中,其自称“私淑”胡兰成,即虽未得到胡兰成教授但由于仰慕其学识而认作老师。该公众号在2023年9 ...
Reference to Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei (Ài Wèiwei 艾未未). The use of this code lead to the phrase "love the future" being blocked from Weibo search results around June-August 2011.
Code name for Zhou Yongkang, former public security chief and close ally of fallen Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai; a popular brand of instant noodles. The kāng 康 in the brand name is the ...
Young, nationalistic netizen who attacks the social media accounts of people perceived to have slighted China, typically as part of a large "expedition" across the Great Firewall to Facebook.
Chai Jing is the impassioned journalist known for her viral self-funded documentary on air pollution, "Under the Dome" (Qióngdǐng zhīxià 穹顶之下). Co-released online in February 2015 by ...
This Communist Party slogan was heavily used during the Cultural Revolution, an era in which citizens were incentivized to spy on and even falsely accuse family and neighbors of being disloyal to ...
Vague descriptor that is often used as code for towing the Party line. “Positive energy” was meme-ified in China during the 2010 trial of Song Shanmu, the founder of a well-known vocational ...
Earlier this month, a massive earthquake struck Tibet and severely damaged numerous monasteries and nunneries. Recent media articles since then have highlighted other ongoing threats to Tibetan ...
最近DeepSeek火遍国内外,创始人梁文锋也成为大家关注的焦点。梁文锋是广东省湛江市吴川市人,这个春节,他回到了老家过年。家乡人也把他当荣归故里的英雄来迎接。一条条横幅挂起,上面写着“热烈欢迎文锋,家乡的骄傲与希望”、“热烈欢迎文锋荣归故里,家乡因 ...