The actor joins Q’s Tom Power to discuss her starring role in Soderbergh’s new horror thriller, Presence, which tells a haunted house story from the point-of-view of the ghost.
Directed by Steven Soderbergh. Starring Lucy Liu, Julia Fox, Chris Sullivan, Callina Liang, Lucas Papaelias, West Mulholland, Eddy Maday, Daniel Danielson, Benny Elledge, and Natalie Woolams-Torres.
Since his flirtation with retirement about a decade ago, filmmaker Steven Soderbergh has been working at an almost feverish pace, cranking out film after film, usually genre exercises made swiftly, ...
CHICAGO – Patrick McDonald of audio film review for the new film “Presence,” directed by Steven Soderbergh (“Ocean’s 11” series) and is the story of a family that experiences a ...
CHICAGO – Patrick McDonald of audio film review for the new film “Presence,” directed by Steven Soderbergh (“Ocean’s 11” series) and is the story of a family that experiences a ...