"真相只有一个,而我就是那个找到它的人。" ——这是《中情局律师》中主角Owen Hendricks的经典台词之一,也是这部剧集吸引无数观众的原因之一。最近,Netflix宣布了其原创美剧《中情局律师》第二季已经完结的消息,但关于该剧是否会有第三季的问题,官方尚未给出明确答复,让粉丝们既兴奋又忐忑。 由朱利安·霍姆斯和虞琳敏共同执导,《中情局律师》自首播以来便以其紧张刺激的情节、复杂的人物关系以及 ...
If you loved Noah Centineo's slick spy series "The Recruit" on Netflix and you're looking for similar shows to get stuck into ...
"We can't have nothing, man. Always canceling stuff. And it's Netflix's fault for releasing at the same time as S2 of The ...
The Recruit, which premiered in December 2022, spent five weeks on the Netflix TV Global Top 10 (English), reaching the Top ...
Netflix日前宣布,旗下美剧《中情局律师》第二季后完结,官方没有透露新剧被砍原因,至于日后是否复归继续有待决定。·《中情局律师》第二季是朱利安·霍姆斯、虞琳敏执导,丹尼尔·昆西·安诺、德维卡·贝斯等主演的电视剧。新一季的故事继续围绕着中情局律师O ...
The Recruit was among Netflix’s top 10 TV titles following its season two debut. While the reason for the cancellation wasn’t ...
Have you already devoured The Recruit and are itching for something similar? Here are ten TV series that echo the intrigue of ...
As news of The Recruit's cancellation by Netflix after two seasons is starting to sink in, creator Alexi Hawley has shared ...
The Recruit is ending. Netflix has canceled the Noah Centineo-froned drama series after two seasons. It comes less than six ...
Owen Hendricks won’t be taking on another mission. Netflix has canceled its Noah Centineo-fronted CIA drama The Recruit after just three seasons. Colton Dunn, who played Lester Kitchens in the series, ...
Netflix has canceled the hit spy drama series The Recruit starring Noah Centineo after airing two seasons.