The standalone Word document, weighing in at 6.6MB, contains a source port of doomgeneric and is available for download via GitHub. To run this version of ...
Source-port of doomgeneric. Does not have sound. Requires Windows with an x64 CPU architecture and the latest version of Microsoft Word. Additionally, expect to have ...
Doom can now run in a Microsoft Word document, thanks to creative enthusiasts. Play Doom in Word with arrow keys to move, Space to use objects, and CTRL to fire. There is no sound, but it is still an ...
Users will need a modern version of Microsoft Office/Word on an x86 ... On social media, Graj explains that he was inspired to port Doom to a Word document after seeing DoomPDF, which was in ...
在游戏与办公软件的界限日渐模糊的今天,《毁灭战士》(Doom)这一经典的第一人称射击游戏成功移植到Microsoft Word中,引发了广泛关注和热议。这一举动不仅令人感到惊奇,也让我们重新思考游戏与办公软件的关系。
近日,一场别开生面的游戏移植项目引起了广泛关注。开发者Wojciech Graj,受到知名DoomPDF项目的深刻启发,决定挑战一项看似不可能的任务:将经典的第一人称射击游戏Doom完美融入Microsoft Word文档中。
Microsoft Word came out during Ronald Reagan's first term in the Oval Office, and in the decades that have passed between then and now, it has become one of Microsoft's most important and ...