New Leica SL3-S might be the dream camera

S, the latest addition to its SL-System lineup. The SL3-S is the first SL-System camera to feature Content Credentials ...
The Leice SL3-S is the company's fastest interchangeable lens camera: a 24MP full-frame L-mount mirrorless capable of 30fps.
The Leica SL3-S is a compelling mix of style and substance with fast focus, ProRes video, and full-frame imaging, though we can't overlook its lavish pricing.
The Leica SL3-S ( £4500, from Leica) is the fastest camera ever to wear the Red Dot, with a rapid 30 frames per second ...
Now capable of shooting 6K videos and stands as the first SL-System model to incorporate content credentials technology.
徕卡SL3-S全画幅微单相机终于正式发布了,尽管新机的分辨率不及拥有6000万像素的SL3,但SL3-S较低的2400万像素却具备品牌最强的连拍能力,结合30fps电子快门,成为目前连拍速度最快的相机,与高分辨率的SL3各有其受众。徕卡SL3-S国内 ...
Leica today has launched its SL3-S camera in Malaysia, not long after its global unveiling. It is the German cameramaker's ...
Leica’s SL3-S camera combines 24 MP, 6K video, and advanced features in a sleek design, available now for professionals.