该儿童于2月25日晚从JFK机场第4航站楼搭乘中华航空(China Airlines)机场大巴前往费城。 2月26日,该儿童在费城去了两家诊所并最终得到确诊: True North Pediatrics Associates of ...
The US State Department has approved potential arms sales to Israel totaling about $US3 billion, the Pentagon said Friday.
为解决癫痫发作患者急诊头颅 CT 过度成像问题,海德堡大学曼海姆医学院研究人员开展相关研究。结果显示 CT 诊断创伤性颅脑损伤的使用率高但诊断率低,该研究为合理使用成像检查提供建议,值得科研读者一读。
An incident involving two Australian Defense Force vehicles on Saturday caused a number of ADF personnel to be injured, ...
激素避孕药:育龄期很多女性会选择避孕药物,但避孕药可能导致高血压、静脉血栓形成甚至可能增加心血管疾病的发生风险。建议大家谨慎选择避孕方式,必要时可咨询妇产科门诊; ...
Unicorn companies have high growth,and to a certain extent represent the direction of economic transformation and upgrading,as well as the new quality of productivity. Recently,Great-wall Enterprise I ...
3月4日消息,美东时间凌晨12:01,特朗普政府宣布对原产于中国的商品额外加征10%关税的新政令正式生效。这是继2月1日美国对华加征10%关税后,本年度第二次提高关税税率,累计加征幅度已达20%。叠加此前“301调查”实施的25%关税,中国输美商品最 ...
Mixue Group, operator of the Chinese mainland’s largest bubble-tea chain, plans to raise HKD3.45 billion in a Hong Kong initial public offering. The company is selling 17.06 million shares at ...