凯雷集团(Carlyle)任命Brad McCarthy为其全球财富部门亚太区董事总经理兼负责人(Head of Asia Pacific, Carlyle Global Wealth)。
花旗私人银行业务全球主管 (Global head of Citigroup’s private banking business)刘宏敏 (Ida Liu),于周一 ...
人类狂犬病的99%以上来源于狗。只要实现了狗群中狂犬病的彻底消除,就能确保人类狂犬病的彻底消除。2015年12月,世界卫生组织(WHO)、世界动物卫生组织(OIE)、联合国粮农组织 ...
Adding two new cities and bringing in 400,000 settlers is a death knell for this UNESCO biosphere reserve. The irreversible damage amounts to ecocide,” said Shailendra Yashwant, senior advisor at ...
The year is likely to see cooperation between China and the European Union become more important, but both sides will have to carefully navigate developments that could lead to more trade friction.
花旗私人银行业务全球主管(Global head of Citigroup’s private banking business)刘宏敏(Ida ...
亚洲图形学学会 (ASIAGRAPHICS)于1月30日在学会官网公布了新一届领导机构选举结果,中国科学技术大学数学科学学院计算与应用数学系系主任、安徽省图形计算与感知交互重点实验室主任刘利刚教授当选亚洲图形学学会副主席。
The rise in compute density and larger clusters, along with more powerful cooling systems, stretches current infrastructure limits and complicates new deployments NEW YORK, Jan. 28, 2025 /PRNewswire/ ...
A mixed Chinese-foreign family pose for a photo at the immigration area at Terminal 3 of Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China, Jan. 28, 2025. Beijing Capital Internationa ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
自特朗普当选总统以来,特朗普在短时间内开始拆除以西方规则为基础的法律和国际秩序。讽刺的是,这正是美国一直以来作为主要受益者、定义者和执行者的国际政治和经济体系,也是自二战结束以来,美国为捍卫此体系而在全球范围内引发冲突和战争。尽管美国在国际秩序中占据 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.