Ninja Gaiden 4 stars new protagonist Yakumo, a young ninja who’s battling his way through a futuristic, cyberpunk-flavored Tokyo that’s being overshadowed by the cult of the Dark Dragon. He’ll ...
TL;DR: Valve's Steam Best of 2024 list highlights top PC games by gross revenue and peak players, without revealing sales figures. Categories include Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
What are the best ninja games? Sneaking through the shadows, lithely climbing and dashing your way to an unsuspecting target; clashing swords with a rival in a climactic battle; methodically ...
What are the best games like Pokemon on PC? If you want to emulate the real thing on PC you probably can, but we wouldn’t know anything about illegal activities like that. Honest. What we can do ...
Included in the Platinum Edition are the two major DLC's for the turn-based strategy game, Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm, along with smaller content updates that see new game styles ...
Looking at the feast of upcoming PC games landing in 2025, it's hard not to get excited. From sweeping RPGs to third-person shooters, the new year has boundless experiences in store for PC players ...