In comparison, the RTX 4090 still offers around a 32% gain over the RTX 5070, with big differences in DirectX 9 through ...
NVIDIA最新推出的RTX5070Ti显卡在PassMark基准测试中的表现引发了关注。根据测试结果,这款显卡的平均得分为30728分,未能超越上一代的RTX4070Ti(31757分),仅勉强领先于RTX4070Super(30058分)。进一步 ...
2月24日,NVIDIA最新推出的RTX5070Ti显卡在PassMark基准测试中的表现引起了广泛关注。测试结果显示,这款新显卡未能超越上一代的RTX4070Ti,仅勉强超过RTX4070Super。根据PassMark的数据,RTX5070Ti的 ...
At $549, the RTX 5070 will also come up against AMD’s new $549 Radeon RX 9070 and $599 Radeon RX 9070 XT when they launch on ...
Nvidia can’t deliver a generational uplift on the level of the RTX 4090 unless transistors get smaller, and that’s becoming increasingly difficult to accomplish. If we do ever see a flagship that can ...
一、前言:RTX 5080同款核心NVIDIA RTX 50系列显卡中,首发的顶级卡皇RTX 5090(D) 4K分辨率下的原生性能比RTX 4090提升了大约30%,比想象的好得多。RTX 5080公版设置偏保守,频率相对不高,好处是功耗压下来了,坏处就是性能提升对比RTX 4080只有15%左右,逼得非公版大幅加强。今天,我们来到RTX 50系列的第三站,RTX ...
For all that, it's still not necessarily a bad card—it's a little faster than the $599 4070 Super at the same $549 price that Nvidia used for the RTX 4070. It still represents Nvidia's minimum viable ...