Nokia XR21 mobile was launched on 3rd May 2023. The phone comes with a 120 Hz refresh rate 6.49-inch touchscreen display offering a resolution of 2400x1800 pixels (FHD+) and an aspect ratio of 20:9.
Looking for a Nokia mobile phone under 20000? You’ve come to the right place, here, in your quest for the best phone under 20000, you will find a list of popular and recent Nokia phones launched in ...
With our reviews and test results, we think we can help you grab the best Galaxy phone for your needs. Samsung launches dozens of phones every year, but fortunately I am able to try them out ...
Here is a list of newly launched mobiles available for purchase in India. If you are looking for a new phone but are unsure which one to choose, we've got you covered. GizBot helps you identify ...
It looks like HTC’s VR business has hit a wall and is no longer as profitable as the Taiwanese company wants. Luckily, there are bigger players in the VR industry that can’t wait to get their hands on ...
Originally launched on the Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro and Samsung Galaxy S24 series, Circle to Search is now available on more Android smartphones. Because Circle to Search seems to hav ...